Why Consider A Mommy Makeover?
Motherhood is one of life’s greatest experiences and every mother should feel like a celebrity. However, pregnancy and childbirth can have many effects on your body. At elantis aesthetics, we know these changes can make you feel selfconscious. Our team of expert dermatologists and plastic surgeons offers mommy makeover. By combining multiple procedures, that helps you get back to your former figure.
Breast Augmentation
Many women experience Changes in their breasts after Pregnancy and breastfeeding. A Breast augmentation can help With changes in :
Breast volume
Breast size
Breast shape

Breast Lift
While some women may have enlarged Breasts after breastfeeding, some Women lose breast volume or Develop sagging breasts once Breastfeeding is complete. A breast Lift can help restore:
The shape of breasts
Sagging breasts
Changes in shape of breasts

Tummy Tuck
As you gain weight in pregnancy Your skin stretches to Accommodate your expending Womb. After you lose that weight, You may have sagging skin. A tummy Tuck can help:
Remove excess fat
Tighten loose or sagging skin
Tighten abdominal muscles
Restricted mobility or activity
Feeling self-consious
Brest Reduction
As your body prepares to breastfeed, Your breast swell as they produce Milk. Your breast may double in size, Even after completing breastfeeding. Large breast can create issues for Some women. A breast reduction can Help with:
Back, neck and shoulder pain
Breast chaffing
Restricted mobility or activity
Feeling self-consious
During pregnancy it’s healthy and Natural for you to gain weight for the Growth of your unborn child. However, Many women struggle to lose that extra Weight after childbirth. Liposuction is Not a weight loss solution but can help Eliminate stubborn pockets of fat in area Such as:
Abdomen, waist and breasts
Thighs, calves and ankles
Back and love handles

Other Procedures
Traditional mommy makeover procedures Generally include breast augmentations, Tummy tucks and liposuction. However, you Can individualize your own makeover Depending on your personal goals. Some Women may also choose additional Reshaping procedures such as:
Thigh lift
Facial injections
Brazilian butt lift
Face lift
Vaginal rejuvenations
Melasma Chloasma
Often reffered to as chloasma or the Mask of pregnancy. It is a cosmetic Concern and can be treated by chemical Peeling, pigmentation healing laser Clarity laser, hollywood peel laser and Laser rejuvenation

Hair Loss
Hair shedding Usually peaks about Four months afer Giving birth. Telogen Effluvium can be Treated by platelet Rich plasma therapy With growth Factors added and Exosomal therapy
Striae (Stretch Marks)
Striae gravidarum in pregnancy is Basically a type of scar. They look Like indented scars on your skin can Be pink, red, black or purple with The help of latest technology at Elantis we can now reduce the Appearance by plasma therapy plexr Plasma pen, pixi, co2 laser.

Candidates For Mommy Makeover
Those who are in good overall health
Those who are at or near a healthy body weight
Those who do not smoke or can quit prior to procedure
Those who are finished with childbearing
Those with a positive outlook and realistic expectations
Those who understand the procedures and what is involved